The Company donated a sum of HK$10 million to Po Leung Kuk (PLK) to set up and administer a charity fund in 2011. Its aim is to help the needy who are lacking in means and access to government and NGOs’support.
“PLK Charitable Funding”
自 2014 – 2015 年度起,本公司與香港城市大學合作,成立「田生集團獎學金」,以鼓勵該大學修讀屋宇裝備工程學副理學士的學生。
The Company has set up a “Richfield Group Scholarship” with the City University of Hong Kong for students studying the programme of Associate of Science in Building Services Engineering since the academic year 2014 – 2015.
“CityU Richfield Group Scholarship”
The Company donated a sum of HK$1 million serving as the Title Sponsor of “Wai Yin Association Charity Ball 2015” to support their charitable projects related to “Poverty Relief”.
“Wai Yin Association Charity Ball 2015”
贊助香港青年實驗劇團籌劃的音樂劇,以豐富年輕人的文化體驗; 組成員工隊伍參加由綠色力量舉辦的慈善登山比賽,以推廣環保意識; 向十字路口基金會捐贈辦公室傢俱,以供分發給有需要人士; 捐款及探訪國內山區小學,以協助校園設施維修。
慈善贊助 ─ 田生亦贊助不同本地慈善團體
Sponsoring a musical organized by the “Skywalkers” to enrich the cultural experience of the youth; Forming a staff team to participate in a charitable hiking competition organized by “Green Power” to promote the awareness of environmental protection; Donating the abandoned office furniture to the “Crossroads Foundation” to redistribute them to those in needs; Visiting and donating to a school in Luo Ding of Mainland for maintaining the school's facilities.
Other charitable works